Author Archives: Ascension

DateDec 29, 2022
The Importance of Web Hosting: Can You Run a Website Without It?
When building a website, a common question that arises is the necessity of web hosting. Is it possible to run a website without web hosting, or is web hosting an...
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Optimize Your Ads for Search
Are you looking to get the most out of your online advertising? If so, you'll want to make sure you're optimizing your ads for search. By doing so, you can...
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DateDec 4, 2022
The future of web servers
Web servers are the computers that run websites. They store information and provide access to that information via the World Wide Web (WWW). Cloud Servers Cloud servers are basically just...
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The importance of measuring your online advertising results
Online advertising on the internet has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s a great way for businesses to reach potential customers, but there are many factors that influence whether...
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The impact of online advertising on businesses
The online advertising world can be full of ads for everything from cars to clothes to insurance. But how much of that information is actually useful? And how do you...
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DateNov 27, 2022
How To Find The Perfect Domain Name for Your Business
The right domain name will help people remember your website address, which in turn helps them find you online. It also gives you an opportunity to build brand recognition and...
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5 Ways to Increase Traffic Using SEO
The organic search engine optimization (SEO) process involves optimizing your site for keywords in order to rank higher on Google and other search engines. This will allow people searching for...
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What Is SERP? How To Improve Your SEO Ranking In Google
The search engine results page (SERP) is the first thing that users see when they type in a keyword into Google. It’s also the most important part of any SEO...
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Top 9 Online Advertising Strategies
1. Introduction: Top 9 Online Advertising Strategies That Work for Small Businesses There are a number of online advertising strategies that can be effective for small businesses. One popular strategy...
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